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Travel back in time and meet young Tommy Jefferson - who doesn't want to do his writing homework. Miss Nellie Bly - she takes a trip around the world! Mr. Benjamin Banneker, he builds a clock out of wood that last for 40 years and many more people from Americas history. Add a dose of historical fiction, lots of interaction and original tunes and you have the one and only
Adventure in Time! with *Lewis & Clarke *Dr. Charles Drew *Eleanor Roosevelt *Duke Ellington *Amelia Earhart *Piere L’Enfant *Earle Dickson *Lydia Darragh *George Washington Carver *First Lady Dolly Madison *Young George Wahington *Mary Jane McLeod Bethune *355 This is a multimedia, musical, one-of-a-kind extravaganza for all ages. (Story Board on request) |
You can help educate kids about American history and bring this show to life by making a tax-deductible donation to the Education & Entertainment Foundation, Inc. for
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A sampling of lyrics and educational games, from our original printed program, given out at The Bea & The Bug. This tradition will continue for Adventures in Time and be downloadable for on-line viewers. The games strengthen learning skills and include reading, comprehension, memory, and more. Games were in addition to sponsors names, cast bios, and advertising. Lyrics have Copyrights. May not be duplicated.